Translation of the song Elgaw Gamil (الجو جميل) artist Amr Diab
Elgaw Gamil (الجو جميل)
The Atmosphere Is Great
وسط الليل واللمة ببقى في حالة روئان لما بقرب ليك
We’re at a get-together in the middle of the night, and I’m in a constant state of happiness as I get close to you
لما بشوفك بنسى الدنيا وبجري عليك
When I see you, I forget the world and run to you
يا اللي مخلي سهرنا جميل والجو جميل عشان انت جميل
You are the one that makes our late-night hang-outs great and the atmosphere great because you are beautiful
كملت الحتة الناقصة مرة بضحكة ومرة برقصة قولنا كلام
You completed the missing part, once with a smile and another with a dance and we spoke
ياه لو كان اليوم بوجودك ست ايام
Oh, I wish a day in your presence was six days
يا اللي مخلي الوقت جميل والجو جميل عشان انت جميل
You are the one that makes our time great and the atmosphere great because you are beautiful
شفنا القمر واطلعناله اطلعنا
We saw the moon and we went all the way up to it
طلع القمر سهران وبيسمعنا
The moon was staying up late and listening to us
قصينا وقت جميل واستمتعنا
We spent a nice time together and enjoyed it
احنا وقمرنا وليلنا سوى
Us and our moon and our night together
انا وانت لما نكون بس انا وانت
You and I when we are only you and I
والدنيا لو ما فيهاش الا انا وانت
And if the world didn’t have anything except you and I
ما بيهمناش الشمس حتيجي امتى
We wouldn’t care if the sun would come
مش محتاجين غير بس الهوى
We don’t need anything except love
الضحكة بتعمل رنة ودنيتنا بتتحول جنة وننسى الناس
The (her) laugh turns into a tune and our world turns into heaven and we forget everyone
انا وانا ويا حبيبي ما بيفوتناش احساس
I, when I am with my darling, we don’t miss a feeling
يا اللي مخلي سهرنا جميل والجو جميل عشان انت جميل
You are the one that makes our late-night hang-outs great and the atmosphere great because you are beautiful
شفنا القمر واطلعناله اطلعنا
We saw the moon and we went all the way up to it
طلع القمر سهران وبيسمعنا
The moon was staying up late and listening to us
قضينا وقت جميل واستمتعنا
We spent a nice time together and enjoyed it
احنا وقمرنا وليلنا سوى
Us and our moon and our night together
انا وانت لما نكون بس انا وانت
You and I when we are only you and I
والدنا لو ما فيهاش الا انا وانت
And if the world didn’t have anything except you and I
ما بيهمناش الشمش حتجي امتى
We wouldn’t care if the sun would come
مش محتجان غير بس الهوا
We don’t need anything except love