Translation of the song آسف artist Amr Diab
مابينتهيش الحلم أبداً مننا
The dream never ends for us
It never ends
نكبر مانكبر
No matter how much we grow,
انما نبض القلوب لازم يعيش
The beating of our hearts must live on
كنا وكان الحب يوم
Once upon a time love and us used to be
أكبر وأقوي من الهموم
Bigger and stronger than troubles
وبعدنا ليه
Then why did we go away?
وتعبنا ليه؟
Why did we grow weary?
والود ليه مبقاش يدوم؟
And why does affection not last anymore?
ليه تظلموا مولود بريء؟
Why would you be unjust to an innocent newborn?
ليه تجرحوا الحلم الجريء؟
Why would you wound a daring dream?
ليه الايدين يتفرقوا
Why would our hands get separated
و احنا سوا ف نص الطريق
when we are in the middle of the road
آسف آسف آسف آسف
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.