Translation of the song أغيب artist Amr Diab
I Stay Away
اغيب اغيب
I stay away for long
واسأل عليه
Then ask about her
عايش ازاي؟
How is she living?
وبيعمل ايه؟
And what is she doing?
بيقولوا مش قادر ينسى
They say she can't forget,
عايش بيتعذب لسه
She's still living in torture
I stay away
واقول دا زمانه نسيني
And say: By now she has forgotten me
ماهو لو ينسى هينسيني
Well, If she'd forget me, I'd be able to forget her
طول ماهو فاكر
As long as she still remembers..
هفضل فاكر
I will still remember..
ايوه امال انا بسأل ليه
Why do you think I am asking in the first place..?
اداري ايه انا ولا ايه
There's too much for me to hide
دا انا يا شوق فيا اللي فيه
Oh passion, the same that's going on with her is going on with me
دا حالي اصعب من حاله
I am doing much worse than her
جرالي اكتر ما جراله
Worse than what happened to her happened to me
I stay away
واقول دا زمانه نسيني
And say: By now she has forgotten me
ماهو لو ينسى هينسيني
Well, If she'd forget me, I'd be able to forget her
طول ماهو فاكر
As long as she still remembers..
هفضل فاكر
I will still remember..
ايوه امال انا بسأل ليه
Why do you think I am asking in the first place..?