Translation of the song أول كل حاجة artist Amr Diab

Arabic (other varieties)

أول كل حاجة

English translation

Beginning of everything

أنت أول كل حاجة، والبداية ف كل شئ

You are the beginning of everything1, the start of everything,

حب أول مرة يجي لما قلبي كان بريء

a love that came for the first time while my heart was still innocent

انت أول كل حاجة وانت عارف كنت ايه

You are the beginning of everything and you know what you was2

وانت أول حد يمشي ودمعتي تنزل عليه

And you are the first one to leave causing my tears to shed after

كنت أول كل حاجة بتجرى ليّا

You was the beginning of all of what is happening to me

كنت أول روح بتلمس حاجة فيّا

You was the first soul to touch me deeply inside

كنت أول حب يجي ونفسي يفضل

You was the first love to come and make me wish for it to last forever

كنت أول فرحة بتمناها تكمل

You was the first joy that I wished to be completed3

كنت أول حد برسم صورة ليه

You was the first one to whom I draw silhouette

كنت أكتر حد بعرف قيمتي بيه

You was the best one, with whom I could know who really am I[Literally: know my value

كنت بالنسبالي نفسي وكنت بكره

You was the soul to me, was tomorrow,

كنت عمري بس ليك انا كنت فترة

was my whole life. but I was a period4 to you

اللي يعرف م البداية النهاية هتبقى فين

Who knows from the start where the end would be

مش هيغلط ف اختياره، بس نعرف ده منين؟

never chooses wrong. But how can we do that?

كنت آخر مرّة آمن، قوللي آمن بس مين؟

It was the last time for me to trust, on whom may I trust5

مافتكرش هحب تاني، صعب أغلط مرّتين

I don't think that I will love again. It's hard to make the same mistake twice

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