Translation of the song أيامنا artist Amr Diab
Our days.
حتلاقى فين ايامنا؟
Will you find our days?
هتلاقى فين احلامنا؟
Will you find our dreams?
ويرضي مين ان احنا
And who shall agree
مانكونش يوم عاشقين؟
That we could separate?
ده حبينا وعشقنا
This is our love
وقولنا مش غلطتنا
And our saying's not a mistake
ان الزمان صالحنا
Time is with us
بس المهم ان احنا
But the most important thing is that we
حبينا وعشقنا
Love each other
وقولنا مش غلطتنا
And our saying is not a mistake
ان الزمان صالحنا
Time is with us
بس المهم ان احنا
But the most important thing is that
ما نرجعش فى كلامنا
We never give up what we promised.
اجمل سنين عشناها
The most beautiful years we lived
مين فى الوجود ينساها؟
Who in existence could forget it?
وفين حنلاقي روحنا
And where could we find our souls
لو عشنا يوم تايهين؟
If we lived a day lost?
ده حبينا وعشقنا
This is our love
وقولنا مش غلطتنا
And our saying's not a mistake
ان الزمان صالحنا
Time is with us
بس المهم ان احنا
But the most important thing is that we
ما نرجعش فى كلامنا
We never give up what we promised.
اتقال كلام علينا
People gossiped on us
واتقال الشوق نسينا
And they say that we forgot our love
واتقال كلام جرحنا
And they said things that hurt us
من ناس كتير تانيين
From many other people