Translation of the song الزمن artist Amr Diab
الزمن بينسى دايما
Time always forgets
مع الزمن مفيش وعود
With time there are no promises
اللي كان عايش في قلبي
The one who used to live in my heart
النهاردة ملوش وجود
today has no trace
الزمن ملهش صاحب
Time has no friend
ملهش قلب ولا مشاعر
Has no heart and no feelings
خطوته مشوار في قلبي
Its step is a long path in my heart
عشت فيه دايما مهاجر
that I've lived through always in isolation
مع الزمن الجرح بيتنسي
With time wounds are forgotten
والذكريات الحلوة تدبل
And sweet memories wilt
مع الزمن بنبتدي دايما حكاية
With time we always start a story
في يوم هتخلص
that will end one day
ننسى الملامح
We forget the features,
والوجوه والعناوين
the faces and the addresses
يمكن نتوب عن ذكريات
So we could maybe refrain from remembering memories
عاشت معانا
that lived with us
ضاعت في يوم من الزمن
and got lost in one day because of time
الزمن دموع بتجري
Time is running tears
او ضحكة ما لها أي معنى
Or a meaningless laugh
او لعبة ملناش يد فيها
Or a game that we have no control upon
مهما اتشائمنا وتفائلنا
no matter how optimistic or pessimistic we are
كنت اجبن منه دايما
I was always more cowardly than him1
عمري ما فكرت اواجهه
I never thought of facing him
كنت خايف منه
I was scared of him
يمكن لو كان بشر كنت فهمته
Maybe if he was a human, I would've understood him
عشرين سنة من يوم ما اتولدت
For twenty years since the day I was born
احلم معاه
I have been dreaming with him
يوعدني اصدق
He promises me, and I believe it
عشرين سنة مروا
Twenty years passed
وكأنهم سراب
as though they were an illusion
وكان بيكدب
And he was lying
كتب حكايته على الوجوه
He wrote his story on the faces,
والم في كل ضحكة
Wrote pain upon every laugh
وساب علاماته الحزينة
And left his sad marks
على طريقي اللي من زمان
upon my old path
الزمن بينسى دايما
Time always forgets
مع الزمن مفيش وعود
With time there are no promises
اللي كان عايش في قلبي
The one who used to live in my heart
النهاردة ملوش وجود
today has no trace
الزمن ملهش صاحب
Time has no friend
ملهش قلب ولا مشاعر
Has no heart and no feelings
خطوته مشوار في قلبي
Its step is a long path in my heart
عشت فيه دايما مهاجر
that I've lived through always in isolation