Translation of the song السكة artist Amr Diab



English translation

The Path

السكة مش طويلة

The path is not long

فاضل على الحلم خطوة

I am one step away from the dream

وهعدي في يوم وليلة

And I will cross in one day

لكن خايف يا بكرة

But oh tomorrow, I am afraid

جايز على قد خوفنا

Maybe as much as we are scared

فرح الايام يشوفنا

The joy of our days will see us

وينور كل ليلة

and light up every night

الحلم اللي انتي فيه

The dream that you are in

زي الايام بريئة

is innocent like our days

امتا بكرة نلاقيه

When will we find it in the future?

امتا هيكون حقيقة

When will it become a reality?

لكن على قد ما احلم

But as much as I dream,

الشوقة في قربك ارحم

the feeling of longing when you are close is more bearable

م البعد ولو لليلة

than our separation even for one night

بحلم بيكي

I dream of you

ابتسامة رسمالي بكرة ضحكة

A smile that paints tomorrow for me as a laugh

وفي ايام الملامة

And in the days that are full of blame

بتكوني طريق و سكة

you are my road and my path

يا بكرة تعالى بكرة

Oh dear tomorrow, come tomorrow

وارميني في كل فكرة

And throw me onto every idea

تخلق من الخوف وسيلة

that creates means out of fear1

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