Translation of the song القوي artist Amr Diab
The Strong
يارب أنت القوي
Oh God, you are The Strong1
فوق كل ظالم قوي
Above all powerful oppressors
أنت اللى عالم بيهم
You know all about them
وعارف حال عبيدك
And You know how all people are
لكل واحد قوي
For every person who is powerful
صفحة وراح تنطوى
There comes a time to turn his page
وأنت اللى حاكم فيهم
You are the judge for them
والأمر كله بإيدك
And it is all in your hands
وكله مستنى بأمنية
Everyone awaits wishfully
كله مستنى الفرج
Everyone awaits salvation
ده كل اللى دخل في الدنيا
Everyone who walked into this world
زى ما دخلها خرج
walked out of it exactly the same
أن كان ضعيف ولا قوي
no matter if they were weak or strong
يا قوى
Oh Strong God