Translation of the song بالضحكة دي artist Amr Diab

Arabic (other varieties)

بالضحكة دي

English translation

To this smile

بالضحكة دي قلبي متعلق

To this smile my heart is attracted

دي صورتها في دماغي بتعلق

Her image keeps on showing in my head

لو أقول دي أحلى مافي الدنيا

If I'd call her the most beautiful in this world

مين بعد الجمال دا هيعلق

Who would, after seeing this beauty, add any comments?

بالمشية دي كله يتعلم

Every other girl should learn from her how to walk

أهي دي اللي على الكل هتعلم

She is going to leave her marks on all the others

لو أقول دي أحلي ما في الدنيا

If I'd call her the most beautiful in this world

مين بعد الجمال دا يتكلم

Who would, after seeing this beauty, say anything else?

مظبوطة ظبطة مافيهاش غلطة

By all standards she is flawless

مافيهاش تلت التلاتة كام

There is no argue about that1

مش بجاملها ولا بجملها

I'm not complimenting her or trying to show her prettier

دي حاجة مش محتاجة كلام

It just goes without saying

والنظرة دي فيا بتأثر

And this look leaves its mark in me

ودا حلم عمري بيتفسر

It's my lifetime's dream coming true

لو أقول دي أحلى ما في الدنيا

If I'd call her the most beautiful in this world

مين دا اللي يعارضني هنهزر

Who would dare to object? Are you kidding!

مرسومة رسمة وعليها بسمة

As if she was perfectly drawn. She has a smile

تتفتح قصادها الببان

that can open any closed door

وبتتهادى كله إلا دا

And she is swaying while moving. No, not that!

أنا مش قد دلعها كمان

I can resist anything but that!

والنظرة دي فيا بتأثر

And this look leaves its mark in me

ودة حلم عمري بيتفسر

It's my lifetimes dream coming true

لو أقول دي أحلي ما في الدنيا

If I'd call her the most beautiful in this world

مين دا اللي يعارضني هنهزر

Who would dare to object? Are you kidding!

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