Translation of the song بتهزر artist Amr Diab
You kidding me
بقى بتحبني لأ بتهزر .. للدرجادي
You love me! are you kidding me!
أنا كده هتغر وهتمنظر .. ع الدنيا دي
In this case, I will be changed and been self-conceited in this life!
ولا هاعرف أنام
I will not sleep.
بقى ده اسمه كلام
Is this true?
حلم الأحلام بيحبني أنا لا مش عادي
The devotee of my dreams loves me! Not normal at all!
بتقولي بحبك
She said I love you
طب فكر
I told her, reconsider about that again.
أو عيد تفكير
Think about it twice.
العادي أحبك
It's a normal love come from my side
مش أكتر
It would be more enough
بس انت كتير
But love comes on your part, that would be too much for me.
هو انت أكيد قولت بحبك .. لأ ثواني
You said I love you .. Is it you! Waite a second.
قلتها ولا أنا متهيألي .. لأ قول تاني
You said it to me or I’m a dream, please repeated it.
لأ قولها كمان
Please said it again.
متقولش جنان
I got crazy
طب مرة كمان علشان الناس مش علشاني
Please say it again not for me but for all people to hear.