Translation of the song بحبه artist Amr Diab
I love her
بحبه في دلعه وتقله بحبه في قلة عقله
I love her when she flirts with me , when she ignores me , I love her with her craziness
بحبه في غيرته عليا ولما بيتهيأله
I love her when she is jealous and when she suspects me
بحبه في دلعه وتقله بحبه في قلة عقله
I love her when she flirts with me , when she ignores me , I love her with her craziness
بحبه في غيرته عليا ولما بيتهيأله
I love her when she is jealous and when she suspects me
أنا متعود على طبعه أنا حافظه وخدت عليه
I am so used to her, I know her by heart and I am used to her attitude
لا في زيه ولا هلاقي ربعه بحبه وهعمل إيه اه
no one is like her and I will never find anybody like her, I love her and I can not do anything about it
أنا متعود على طبعه أنا حافظه وخدت عليه
I am so used to her, I know her by heart and I am used to her attitude
في زعلنا بعدي واطاوعه بحبه وهعمل إيه
in our arguments I let her win and I agree with her, I love her and I can not do anything about it
نار نار حبه ليا نار نار بعده عني نار نار
fire, her love is like a fire and her distance is like a fire
شاغلني ليل ونهار
I think of her day and night
بحبه واحب عينيه تلاحقني يجنني ويقلقني
I love her, and I love when she follows me with her eyes , making me crazy and worried
بحبه وأنا بحلفله وعمره ما صدقني
I love her and when I swear on that she never believes me
بحبه حبيبي في كل حالاته في سوء ظنه وحكاياته
I love my baby in all the situations, all her mistrust and all her stories
هيعقل امته حبيبي وأنا واخد كل اهتماماته
when is she going to be wise ? and when am I going to be all what she cares about?