Translation of the song بلاش تبعد artist Amr Diab
بلاش تبعد
Don't go away
بحبك ياللى شاغل قلبى ليل ونهار
i love you, you running my heart day and night
بلاش تبعد بلاش تبعد
don't go far
بعيد عنى ولو ثانية
don't go away from me even for a second
دي كلمه بلدي بتقولهالى باستمرار
this word my country, you are saying constantly
هقولهالك واعيدهالك
i'm gonna say it and repeat it
ده حبك عندى بالدنيا
your love is like the world
يا مصر تملى عالبال
Egypt, you are always in my mind
يا ساكنة جوة وجدانى
You're always in my heart
بقولهالك واعيدهالك
i'm gonna say and repeat it
مبرتحش فى مكان تانى
i'm don't feel comfortable in another place
دي بلدي تملى عالبال
This my country always in my mind
ومين يستغنى عن بيته
and who can left his home!
هنا ونسى هنا شمسى
here is my people and my sun
و اجمل عمر قضيتة
and i spent the most beautiful age
انا حلمك انا صورتك قصاد الكون
i am your dream, i'm your picture in front of the world
يهون تعبى عشان تبقى
whatever i'm tired it doesn't matter
فى اجمل صوره يا بلادى
to be the most beautiful, my country
بلف الدنيا دى بحالها وفين ما
i'm traveling all this world and in anywhere
يكون يشرفنى اقول مصرى
it's my honor to say that i'm Egyptian
واكمل حلم اجدادى
i will continue my grandfather's dream