Translation of the song توبة artist Amr Diab
Never Again
واهي مره وعدت وخلاص
Well, it was one time and now it's over
حبينا بصدق واخلاص
I've loved honestly and loyally
حبيتك من غير تفكير
I loved you without even thinking
حبيتك والقلب اختار
I loved you and my heart chose you
وفي بحرك ياما عمت كتير
And I swam in the sea of your love so much
وغرقت في آخر المشوار
And at the end of the journey, I drowned
واهي توبة توبة توبة توبة
And now, never again, never again, never again...
واهي توبة توبة توبة توبة
And now, never again, never again, never again...
شوفي ازاي اتغير حالي
See how everything changed in how I am?
شوفي ازاي يا حبيبتي بقيت
See how I've become, darling?
قلبى ماعدش القلب الخالي
My heart is no longer empty
بعد ما شوفتك واتمنيت
After I saw you and wished
اتمنيت من قلبي تكوني
I wished, with all my heart, for you to be
احلى عروسه تشوفها عيوني
the most beautiful bride that my eyes could see
وفى بحرك ياما عومت كتير
And I swam in the sea of your love so much
وغرقت في آخر المشوار
And at the end of the journey, I drowned
واهي توبة توبة توبة توبة
And now, never again, never again, never again...
واهي توبة توبة توبة توبة
And now, never again, never again, never again...