Translation of the song حبيبتي artist Amr Diab
My love
أنا ليا نظرة أعرف بيها
I have my own look with which I can determine
الواحدة ايه أحلى ما فيها
what is the most beautiful thing in every woman
واهى فكرة جيتى ولَغيتيها
That was what I thought and what you canceled
ماهى كل حاجة فيكى جميلة
As everything in you is beautiful
حبيبتى لما بتتمايل
Once my love starts to sway
خطوتها بتسوى هوايل
she makes wonders with her steps
دي عامله في القلب عمايل
What a great effects she make in my heart
ياللي جمالك ربانى
Oh, you, whose beauty is divine1
بحب اغازلك باغانى
I love to flirt you with songs
ياللي جمالك ربانى
Oh, you, whose beauty is divine
بحب اقول فيكى اغانى
I love to sing about you
يا احلي كلمه علي لسانى
You are the most beautiful word on my tongue
غير حبك انتي ماليش سيرة
I have nothing to talk about other than your love
عودك طرح قبل آوانه
You've gained your complete beauty too early2,
جمل حياتى بألوانه
this made my life prettier.
بان الجواب من عنوانه
It's obvious for me now3:
قدام عنيكى ماليش حيله
I'm helpless in front of your eyes.