Translation of the song روح قلبى artist Amr Diab
روح قلبى
Soul of My Heart
وادى يوم كمان عدى علينا
There goes, one more day passed us
هو العمر فيه يا حبيبى كام يوم
How many more days are there in our lifetime, my love!
امتى نعيش سوى مع بعضينا
When would we live (our lifetimes) together
ليه سايبنى ليه منك محروم
Why are you, why, leaving me without (deprived of) you
روح قلبى
The soul of my heart
طمن عليك قلبى
Reassure my heart about you
طمن عليك قلبى
Reassure my heart about you
دانا قلبى ليك مشتاق
My heart is missing you
مستنى و انت بعيد عنى
I'm waiting while you're away from me
خايف يضيع منى
Afraid that would be gone from me,
العمر كله فراق
The whole lifetime in separation.
فين ايام زمان فين ليالينا
Where are the days of the past, where are our nights!
طمن قلبى قول يا حبيبى قوام
Reassure my heart, tell (me) quickly, my love
بحلم باللى كان يرجع لينا
I'm dreaming that what we had would return to us
و انا فى ايديا ايه الا الأحلام
What else is in my hands other than dreams!