Translation of the song روحي أنا artist Amr Diab
روحي أنا
My Soul
يا روحى انا
Oh you are my soul
ويا قلبى انا
Oh you are my heart
ملناش عنك يا حياتى غني
And I no one can ever come close to replacing you, my darling
وفى بعدك تعب الشوق
And in your absence, passion has grown weary
وخلاص بيعدى عليا اليوم بسنه
And now days pass as if they are years for me
النار فى القلب من الاشواق
The flames of passion are in my heart
ما يريحهاش غير لمس ايديك
Nothing would calm them but the touch of your hand
ومنين حنجيب زينا عشاق
And wherever could you find lovers like us,
بيشوفوا الدنيا فضي عينيك
Who see the world in the light of your eyes,
والحب ده ايه
and what is love,
غير انت وانا وانا؟
other than you and I together?
يا حبيبى واخرة بعدنا ايه
My darling, when is our separation going to come to an end?
وازاى العين هتشوف احلام
And how could my eyes see dreams?
ده حرام الحب تروح لياليه
It is a shame if the nights of love are gone
وسنينا تضيع فى فراق وخصام
And for our years to be wasted in absence and quarrels