Translation of the song عارف حبيبي artist Amr Diab
عارف حبيبي
Do You Know, Darling
عارف حيببي اللي زود في الخلاف
Do you know, darling, the thing that increased the disagreement
بقيت بلاقي بنا مليون اختلاف
I began to find a million differences between us
انا كل ما اعمل حاجة بنا تقربك
Whenever I do something for us to make you closer
ما بقيتش الاقي حاجة واحدة بتعجبك
I don’t find anything that pleases you
واما اسألك بتحبني وتقولي اه
And when I ask you if you love me and you say yes
ما بقيتش اقدر اصدقك وبقيت بخاف
I began to not be able to believe you and started to worry
نفس الاتنين اللي اتفقوا وبينهم وعد
The same two people who agreed that there was a promise between them
خايف باديهم يتفارقم ويموتوا بعض
I'm afraid their hands are separating them and they are killing each other
لا بقيت تسمعني وتفهمني ولا حاسس بيّ
You stopped listening to me or understanding me or my feelings
وكأني عدوك وسعادتك في عذابك ليّ
As if I am your enemy and your happiness is when you torture me
واما اسألك بتحبني وتقولي اه
And when I ask you if you love me and you say yes
ما بقيتش اقدر اصدقك وبقيت بخاف
I began to not be able to believe you and started to worry
هو احنا ما لنا وايه جرالنا وليه كده؟
What is wrong with us, what happened to us, and why is it this way?
هو احنا ما لنا وليه وصلنا لكل ده؟
What is wrong with us and how did we get to this point?