Translation of the song عكس بعض artist Amr Diab
عكس بعض
مبزعلش أما بفتكرك
It doesn't make me sad when I remember you
بلاقي كل ما اتأمل
When I contemplate things, I find that
ماضينا مكانش فيه حاجة
there was nothing in our past
تقول إن إحنا هنكمل
that could indicate that we would go on
كنا دايما عكس بعض
We were always opposites
قولي من امتى اتفقنا
Tell me, when have we ever agreed upon something?
دا احنا لو نشبه لبعض
If there is something that makes us similar,
ف الشبه يمكن فراقنا
then the similarity is possibly in our separation
بعدنا أكتر ما قربنا
We move far away from each other more than near,
وسبنا الحب و أهو سابنا
And we left love, and there it goes; it left us
و لما بنحكي حكايتنا
And when we tell our tale
يا بنزود يا بنجمل
We either exaggerate or embellish it
رسمتلي صورة للجنة
You painted a portrait of a paradise for me
في أول مرة نتلاقى
in the first time that we met
مشيت وياك بطيب خاطر
I trustingly walked with you
لقتني ف حيرة ومتاهة
I found myself in confusion in a maze
عرفت ف قربك الوحدة
I knew loneliness in your presence
في حضنك كنت متغرب
In your arms I felt isolation
وسيرة الحب لو تيجي
And the mention of love,
بقيت منها بخاف و اهرب
I began to fear it and flee from it
كنا دايما عكس بعض
We were always opposites
قولي من امتى اتفقنا
Tell me, when have we ever agreed upon something?
دا احنا لو نشبه لبعض
If there is something that makes us similar,
ف الشبه يمكن فراقنا
then the similarity is possibly in our separation
بعدنا أكتر ما قربنا
We move far away from each other more than near,
وسبنا الحب و أهو سابنا
And we left love, and there it goes; it left us
و لما بنحكي حكايتنا
And when we tell our story
يا بنزود يا بنجمل
We either exaggerate or embellish it