Translation of the song عيني و أنا شايفه artist Amr Diab
عيني و أنا شايفه
When My Eye Sees Her
الله يا جماله
Wow, such beauty
هما شافوا ايه
Has never been seen before
عيني و انا شايفه
When my eye sees her
عايزة تاني ايه
What else could it want?
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قاللي روحي فيه
It told me that my soul was in her
ده حبيب قلبي انا
She is the love of my heart
يرتاح واتعب انا
I will tire myself so she can relax
و انا مين غيري انا
And who else but me
يهواه زيي انا
Loves her like I do
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قاللي روحي فيه
It told me that my soul was in her
قاللي ده حبيبي
It told me that she is its love
يبقى اداري ليه
Why would it hide
هو ده حبيبي
That is my darling
يبقى اسيبه ليه
So why would it leave her?
ده حبيب قلبي انا
She is the love of my heart
يرتاح واتعب انا
I will tire myself so she can relax
و انا مين غيري انا
And who else but me
يهواه زيي انا
Loves her like I do
عيني و انا شايفه
When my eye sees her
عايزة تاني ايه
What else could it want?
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قاللي روحي فيه
It told me that my soul was in her
ده حبيب قلبي انا
She is the love of my heart
يرتاح واتعب انا
I will tire myself so she can relax
حبيب قلبي أنا
She is the love of my heart
فداه عمري أنا
I give my life to her
عيني و انا شايفه
When my eye sees her
عايزه تاني ايه
What else could it want?
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قالي روحي فيه
It told me that my soul was in her
هو دا اللي قاله
That’s what it said
دا اللي على باله
This is what’s on its mind
الله يا جماله
Wow, such beauty
هما شافوا ايه
Has never been seen before
عيني و انا شايفه
When my eye sees her
عايزه تاني ايه
What else could it want?
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قالي روحي فيه
It told me that my soul was in her
عيني و انا شايفه
When my eye sees her
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قلبي وانا عارفه
I know my heart
قاللي روحي فيه
It told me that my soul was in her