Translation of the song فوق من اللي انت فيه artist Amr Diab
فوق من اللي انت فيه
Wake Up From What You're In
فوق من الي انت فيه اعمل حاجه مستني ايه
Wake up from what you're in, do something what are you waiting for
عيد حساباتك يا حبيبي دا لو يهمك حبنا
Go over things again my dear that's if our love is important to you
مين بيحب مين دا احنا بقينا متغربين
Whom loves whom, we've become strangers
لو مش خايف علي الي بيننا مش هخاف عليه انا
If you're not worrying over what's between us, I won't worry about it
احنا فيها لسة فيها يلا غير نظرتي
We are still in it, come on, change my view
و بأيديك تفضل حبيبي او تفارق دنيتي
And it's within your hands to remain my dear or to part my world
جايز بالعتاب ترجع تاني تعمل حساب
Maybe with reproach you'll return again and make consideration,
لسنين فاتو ذكري حلوه و عمري وياك ابتدا
The years past are a nice memory and with you my life began
لو متهمنيش كان من بدري اسيبك و اعيش
If you're not important to me, from early on I'd leave you and live
ولا كنت ارجع ققول حبيبي مين هيبقي عليك كدا
And I wouldn't return and say my dear, who would be like this over you