Translation of the song كلهم artist Amr Diab



English translation

All of Them

كلهم بيقولوا كده في الأول والكلام الحلو بيتحول

They all say that at first, and the nice words change

كلهم بيقولوا كده في الأول والكلام الحلو بيتحول

They all say that at first, and the nice words change

اه البراءة والحنان واللي ياما اتقال زمان

The innocence, and tenderness and what was said a long time ago

اه كل ده دلوقتي بان كل ما الأيام تطول

All that has now become clear, as the days get longer

كلهم بيقولوا كده في الأول اه والكلام الحلو بيتحول

They all say that at first, and yes the nice words change

الكلام سهل وكتير بس ايه بيجرى بعده

Words are easy and a lot, but what happens after it

في الهوى أوام يطير يبقى كله زي بعضه

In the wind, it quickly flies and becomes all the same

ناس صحيح ملهاش أمان

People, truly, cannot be trusted

البراءة والحنان واللي ياما اتقال زمان

The innocence, and tenderness and what was said a long time ago

كل ده دلوقتي بان كل ما الأيام تطول

All that has now become clear, as the days get longer

كلهم بيقولوا كده في الأول والكلام الحلو بيتحول

They all say that at first, and yes the nice words change

كله في الأول وعود ولما يوصل للي عايزه قصوته ملهاش حدود

Its all promises at first and when he reaches what he wants his cruelty has no boundaries

صعب أي يعتب يهزه

Its difficult for any reproach to shake him

ناس صحيح ملهاش أمان

The innocence, and tenderness and what was said a long time ago

البراءة والحنان واللي ياما اتقال زمان

All that has now become clear, as the days get longer

كل ده دلوقتي بان كل ما الأيام تطول

They all say that at first, and yes the nice words change

كلهم بيقولوا كده في الأول اه والكلام الحلو بيتحول

They all say that at first, and the nice words change

كلهم بيقولوا كده في الأول والكلام الحلو بيتحول

They all say that at first, and the nice words change

اه البراءة والحنان واللي ياما اتقال زمان

The innocence, and tenderness and what was said a long time ago

اه كل ده دلوقتي بان كل ما الأيام تطول

All that has now become clear, as the days get longer


They all say that at first, and yes the nice words change

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