مش خلاص حبيت ناس بقيت معاهم
Don’t you love someone else and you’re with him
ليه بتسال ليه ليه عني من وراهم
So why, why do you keep asking about me behind his back
مش خلاص نسيت ناري الله
Gosh, didn’t you forget my pain
طب انت ما لك
So what is wrong
لسه ولا ايه شاري
Is it still like that or what, do you want me
ولا ايه جرالك
Or what happened to you
لاللي بيحبوك يعرفوا الحقيقة
The one who loves you knows the truth
يعرفو ان انا لسه في بالك كل كم دقيقة
He knows that I still come to your mind every few minutes
مش خلاص نسيت ناري الله
Gosh, didn’t you forget my pain
طب انت ما لك
So what is wrong
لسه ولا ايه شاري
Is it still like that or what, do you want me
ولا ايه جرالك
Or what happened to you
مهما رحت وجيت ما بتنساش هوايا
Whether you go or come, you don’t forget my love
ما انت شاغل روحك بيا وبتدور ورايا
Your thoughts are consumed with me
مش خلاص نسيت ناري الله
Gosh, didn’t you forget my pain
طب انت ما لك
So what is wrong
لسه ولا ايه شاري
Is it still like that or what, do you want me
ولا ايه جرالك
Or what happened to you