Translation of the song نوّر يا ليل artist Amr Diab
نوّر يا ليل
Light up, oh Night
نور يا ليل الاسرار
Light up, oh night of secrets
يااللي عشقناك واحنا صغار
We've fallen in love with you since we were young
احنا بنصفح
We forgive
وانت بتجرح
and yet you keep hurting us
زي ما قالوا عليك دوار
You're just as they've described you, volatile
فتح يا شجر الاحلام
Blossom, oh trees of dreams
قد ما بتدور الايام
Blossom as much as days pass
فتح واطرح
Blossom and give fruit
نفسنا نفرح
We want to be happy
دا المشوار جنة على نار
This journey is both heaven mixed with hell
روق يا بحر العشاق
Clear up, oh sea of lovers
بتسافر فيك الاشواق
Passions travel in you
روق واوعد
Clear up and promise us
انك تسعد
that you will make us happy
قلبين ضاعوا مع التيار
There are two hearts lost in your current
قرب يا مرسى البحّار
Oh haven for sailors, draw near
للي ضاع عمره في اسفار
to the one who lost his/her life in travels
خليه يرسى
let him/her anchor his/her ship
اوعاك تنسى
Don't you forget
انه غريب عن اهل الدار
that he/she is a total stranger to this town