Translation of the song هلا هلا artist Amr Diab


هلا هلا

English translation

Hello, Hello

حمد الله على السلامة

Thank God for your safe return

هلا هلا

Hello, hello

اشتقنا ليكم ياما

We missed you so much

هلا هلا

Hello, hello



الصحبة دي وحشانا

We miss this company

والفرحة مش سعيانا

We are overjoyed



يا مرحبا


يا هنانا

How blessed are we



من غيركوا والله تعبنا

Without you ,by God, we have suffered

هلا هلا

Hello, hello

والشوق حلف ما يسبنا

And longing swore to never leave us [alone]

هلا هلا

Hello, hello



لا رسالة بتريحنا

Not a single letter sets us at ease

ولا غنوة بتفرحنا

nor a song makes us happy

انتم هنا في الغربة

You are abroad alone

واحنا هنا في دوامة

And we are here in a dilemma1



حمد الله على صحبتنا

Thank God for our company

هلا هلا

Hello, Hello

ورجوعكم لمحبتنا

and for your return to our love

هلا هلا

Hello, hello



من يوم رحيلكم واحنا

Since the day you were gone

ما حد عدى في ريحنا

nobody passed us by

شوفناكوا والله فرحنا

When we saw you, by God, we became happy

بوصولكوا بالسلامة

for your safe return



يا اغلى حاجة لينا

Oh, most precious to us

هلا هلا


ردت ورحنا فينا

Our souls have been given back to us2

هلا هلا

Hello, hello



دا البعد عنكم نار

Being away from you is [like] fire

والفرقة باستمرار

And the separation is continuous

الرحمة يا اهل الدار

Mercy, oh home's folks

واحشنا والله يا ما

By God, we miss you so much



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