Translation of the song وقت و عشناه artist Amr Diab
وقت و عشناه
Those Were Times we Lived
وقت وعشناه انتي وانا
Those were times we lived together, you and I
جرح حفرناه لبقيت عمرنا
It's a wound we've etched for the rest of our lives
دلوقتي خلاص
And now it's over
مواعيدنا خلاص
Meeting each other is over
بتدق خلاص اجراس حزننا
The bells of our sadness are finally ringing
مش لاقي كلام
I cannot find the words
يوصف الام
that could describe the pain
جرح الاوهام
of the wound of the illusions
اللي بانت لنا
that were revealed to us
كنا في امان
We used to live in safety
كنا في حنان
We used to be tender to each other
وكان يا مكان
And once upon a time
كان في حبنا
our love existed...
فاكرة الامل يوم التقينا
Do you remember hope, the day we met?
زي الغزل مالي علينا
It filled our eyes just like adoration
فاكرة العطش لما ارتوينا
Do you remember our thirst as we quenched it?
كان القدر راضي علينا
Fate was content with us and going our way
لقينا في بعضنا
We found in each other
شئ ضايع مننا
something that we had lost
وتهنا في عالم حبنا
And we got lost in the world of our love
هربنا في بعضنا
We escaped into each other
ونسينا وقتنا
And forgot about time
وعيون الامل بتشدنا
as the eyes of hope were pulling us
دلوقتي خلاص
And now it's over
مواعيدنا خلاص
Meeting each other is over
بتدق خلاص اجراس حزننا
The bells of our sadness are finally ringing
وقت وعشناه انتي وانا
Those were times we lived together, you and I
جرح حفرناه لبقيت عمرنا
It's a wound we've etched for the rest of our lives
يا حبيبتي وداع
Oh darling, good bye
مكتوبنا ضياع
Our fate is to be lost
غربة والام
Isolation and pain
مكتوب بعدنا
Our separation is fated...