Translation of the song يا بحر artist Amr Diab
يا بحر
Oh Sea
يا بحر مالك حزين؟
Oh sea, why are you sad like this?
ياشط مالك جريح؟
Oh shore, why are you hurt?
بتبكى ع المظلومين
Are you crying for the ones who were treated unfairly
ولا ع المجاريح؟
or for the wounded?
ولا بتبكى قلوب
Or are you making hearts cry
مش عارفه ايه مكتوب؟
when they don't know what's written in fate?
بين الفراق واللقا
Between separation and meeting
تايهه فى مهب الريح
They are lost amidst the wind
يا بحر
Oh sea,
ده حال البشر
This is the nature of humans
يا بحر ده طبع الزمن
Oh sea, this is the nature of time
ناس تسرق الاحلام
Some people steal dreams
وناس هيا الى تدفع التمن
while others pay the price
مهو طول مفى انسان
Well, as long as there are people
بيكره ضحكه الانسان
who hate to see the smile of others
الحب لازم يتوه ف الاسم والعنوان
Love will always be lost searching for the name and the address
وازاي نفكر ف بكره
And how can we think of tomorrow
واحنا مش قادرين نهرب من الماضى
When we can't escape the past
ولا نفارق الاحزان
nor let go of all the sadness
مشوار عجيب من اوله
It's a bizarre journey since its start
مكتوب علينا نكمله
And it's our fate to continue it
وعشان يعيش الورد
And for the roses to live
لازم اى شوك نتحمله
we must withstand any thorns