Translation of the song يا خلي artist Amr Diab
يا خلي
Oh, My Friend
اه على اللي في قلبي و عاللي
Oh my heart is full of so much
في روحي منك انت يا خلي
and my soul, for you, my friend
نسمة هواك لما بتوصلي
when the breeze of your love comes to me
معرفش ايه اللي بيحصلي
I don't know what happens to me
يا وردي يا فلي
Oh my flowers, oh my jasmines1
يا شجري يا ضلي
Oh my trees, oh my shadow
يا خلي
Oh my friend2
اول ما شفته يا روحي
The first time I saw her, oh my soul
دابت جروحي و قلتله خلي
My wounds melted and I told her keep,
خليلي روحك في روحي
keep your soul in mine
و روحى غني يا روحي و هلي
and go sing, oh my soul, and shine
شمس الاصيل فتحت
The evening sun shined
صحصح دفاها وجاني وقالي
Its warmth awakened, came to me and told me
روح الحبيب فحفحت
The lover's soul has blossomed
صحيت لي عقلي وقلبي وكلي
It awoke my mind, my heart and my all
انا شلتله في العيون
In my eyes, I kept for her
على كل لون م الحب و شاللي
every color of love and she kept for me
و ازاي في يوم راح يهون
And how could we think one day
الحب و يهون اللي حصل لي
that love and what has happened to me can be valueless?
شجر المحبة يدوم
The trees of love last
واحنا المحبة بعينها تملي
and we are always love in itself
بحر الاسى و هموم لاجل
The sea of sadness and trouble is for
اللي قلبه اسود وعزولي
The one whose heart is black and is jealous
وانا وسط بحرك بعوم
I am swimming in the midst of your sea
و أديك ودادي و أدادي و أحلي
and I give you my affection, and I spoil you with beauty
مركب محبتنا دوم
The boat of our love is forever
و يا مركب العزال ما تحلي
And oh, the boat of the jealous people, do not set [here]