Translation of the song يا طير يا متغرب artist Amr Diab
يا طير يا متغرب
O you expatriated Bird
يا طير يا متغرب
O you bird who's been estranged,
بيتك الاخضر قرب
your Green house is getting near,
بعد ما طال مشوارك
After a journey that took its toll on you,
طلعت شمس نهارك
The sun of your day has risen,
ارجع عمر دارك
Return and build your house,
وابدا تاني وجرب
Start again and give it a chance,
اوعى يغرك طيشك
Guard your personality against your immaturity,
ولا تغير ريشك
And don't change your sem·blance( guise ),
وعلشان لقمة عيشك
And Don't, in search of your income,
تمشي ورا التيار
Follow the mainstream herds,
خوفي عاللي بنيته
I fear for what I've built,
في الغربة وعليته
And nourished while abroad,
الاقيك يوم هديته
For I'll find you one day, gifting it all away from me,
والاحلام تنهار
And all my dreams will collapse,
حاسب امسك تبت
Imagine that you're holding a wheat plant,
في الزرع اللي منبت
in the fields where they grow plenty,
علشان بلدك حبت
for your country planted in you, qualities,
فيك عزم واصرار
such as persistence and determination,
صدق المثل القايل
Truly believe the common saying that says,
ان العود المايل
The slanting branch,
عمره في يوم ماهو شايل
will never hope to, one day,
على اغصانه ثمار
harbor fruits,