Sometimes 友達と居ても キミの事だけ想って
Sometimes, even if I'm with my friends,
Sometimes ユラユラと揺れてる
I'm thinking only about you and shaking uncontrollably
This feeling's merely a see-saw game
胸が痛いよ…一昨日のKiss in the dark
My chest aches from our kiss in the dark the other day
肌に咲いた 紅い花 隠すと
And when I hide the red rash that's bloomed on my skin
Oh my love 溢れて こぼれちゃう woo
Oh, my love, it brims over and reveals itself, woo
逢いたい人に 逢えないと
I have to meet you who I wanna meet
病気みたい 熱がある
Otherwise I'll come down with the flu
何度恋を 重ねても
And no matter how many times I fall in love
繰り返すの Heartache
My heartache goes on and on...
Sometimes 嵐の夜には 一人になんてなれない
Sometimes, I just can't be alone on a stormy night like this,
Sometimes 型紙に映した 私の影 傾く
For my shadow will tilt towards the cut paper
雨は止まない…浮かぶのは Smile on your face
The rain won't stop, and all I can think of is the smile on your face
夜が永い 声だけじゃ 足りない
The night is long, and just your voice won't satisfy
Come to me クチビル ふさいでよ woo
So come to me, and put your lips onto mine
逢えない人に 逢いたくて
I wanna meet you who I cannot meet
迷子みたい 愛してる
Cause I love you as if I'm a stray child
右肩に 寄り
And I want to go to sleep with you
眠りたい With you
Me snuggled up to your right shoulder
逢いたくて 逢いたくて
Even though I'm trembling,
震えてる 夏なのに
Wanting to meet you this summer,
朝が来て 夜が来て
Morning and night passes by,
繰り返すの Heartache
And my heartache goes on and on...