Translation of the song 'A minestrina artist Mina
'A minestrina
The soup
I' t'aggi''a dì,
I must tell you,
femmena, femmena, t'aggi''a dì,
woman, woman, I must tell you
femmena, femmena, me faje murì
woman, woman, you make me die
d'ammore e comm' 'a luna sî
of love, and you are like the moon
dint''a nuttata mia.
inside my night.
E intanto che la minestrina cuoce,
And while the soup cooks,
sona 'a radio doce doce
the radio plays a sweet song,
na canzuna ca me piace
a song that I like to
murmuriare mbracci' a te.
whisper in your arms.
I' t'aggi''a dì,
I have to tell you,
femmena, femmena, t'aggi''a dì,
woman, woman, I must tell you
femmena, femmena, me faje murì
woman, woman, you make me die
d'ammore e comm' 'a luna sî
of love, and you are like the moon
dint''a nuttata mia.
inside my night.
E passa e va 'a canzuncella doce,
And the sweet little song rushes in
sona 'o manduline e luce,
the mandolin plays and shines
canta na scafata voce
an expert voice sings
murmuriata mbracci' a te.
whispered in your arms.
I' t'aggi''a dì,
I have to tell you,
pagine, pagine t'aggi''a dì.
pages, pages (of things) I have to tell you.
S'è scotta 'a minestrina mia
My soup is over cooked,
e nuje, tenimmo famma nuje
and we are hungry
e n'ata cosa, nuje…
of something else, we ...