Translation of the song Grande amor artist Mina
Grande amor
Glorious love
Ye se siente sola
She already feels alone,
frágil en el sentimiento
fragile in feeling,
escondiendo el alma
hiding the soul
vulnerable al tormento
vulnerable to torment.
como el mar es
Like the sea,
una ola que se eriza y muere
she is a wave that bristles and dies,
como el sol que ya se pone
like the sunset
sin un grito de dolor
without a cry of pain.
El no tiene miedo
He is not afraid;
preso de su arrobamiento
he is a prisoner of his captivation
busca pensamientos
and seeks thoughts
para abandonarse al viento
to abandon himself to the wind
dulcemente con sus manos roza las caderas
Sweetly with his hands,
luz de hielo en sus ojos como si fueran diamantes
he brushes the hips, ice light in his eyes as if they were diamonds,
el momento que esta noce quizás nacerá
the moment that tonight perhaps will be born
Grande amor
Glorious love
que anula la serenidad
that cancels out serenity
A hurricane
que te violenta el alma
that violates your soul,
luego la niebla
then the fog
que en la mente extenderá su velo
that in mind will extend its veil
no, non me dejes
No, do not leave me
no puedo privarme de ti
I cannot deprive myself of you
Él no vuela libre
He does not fly free
en un cielo de cemento
in a sky of cement.
Ella, pues, lo deja
She then leaves him.
se consume de tormento
She is consumed with torment.
Él no llama a su puerta, el corazon en puño
He does not knock at her door; his heart in the fist
y se marcha, se va lejos, sin decir una palabra
and leaves, goes far away without saying a word;
busca el viento, esta noche no regresará
he seeks the wind; this night, he will not return.
Grande amor
Glorious love
que anula la felicidad
that cancels out serenity
gran engaño
Great deception,
mentiras que se visten de verdad
lies that dress in truth
fuego extinguido
Fire extinguished,
así la nieve baja a los infiernos
so the snow goes down to hell.
no, non me dejes
No, do not leave me
no puedo privarme de ti
I cannot deprive myself of you,
Grande amor
Glorious love
que te violenta el alma
who makes your soul so red
Grande amor
Glorious love
tan rojo, palidecerá
with violence; it'll go pale;
luego, la niebla
then the fog
que en la mente extenderá su velo
that in mind will extend its veil
no, no me dejes! No puedo privarme de ti.
No, do not leave me! I cannot deprive myself of you