Translation of the song No sé si eres tú artist Mina
No sé si eres tú
I Don't Know If It's You
Vuelve a girar
Make a turn again
Que quiero mirarte
Because I want to see you
Me acuerdo que te daba del tú
I remember that we spoke as friends
Mira hacia allí
Look over there
Tu perfil era un bronce
Your profile was a bronze (sculpture)
No sé si eres tú
I don't know if it's you
Vuelve a girar
Turn around again
No quiero equivocarme
I don't want to make a mistake
Aquel lunar
That beauty mark
No lo veo ya
I don't see it anymore
Mira hacia aquí
Look over here
Luego prueba a mirarme
Then try to look at me
Sin sonreír
Without smiling
Sus dos manos eran pan para mí
His two hands were bread to me
Sus caderas, montes donde vivir
His hips, hills to live in
Tú quién eres no sé y qué pruebas me da
Who you are, I don't know. What evidence does
La esperanza y nada más
hope alone give me?
Mira hacia allí
Look over there
De esta manera
That way
Si estás así
When you are like that
Te pareces a él
You resemble him
Mira hacia allí
Look over there
Quítate la visera
Take off the eyeshade
No sé si eres tú
I don't know if it's you
Sus dos manos eran pan para mí
His two hands were bread to me
Sus caderas, montes donde vivir
His hips, hills to live in
Tú quién eres no sé y qué pruebas me da
Who you are, I don't know. And what evidence does
La esperanza y nada más
hope alone give me?
Mira hacia allí
Look over there
Y ya no respires
And don't breathe anymore
Quizás no hay
Maybe there isn't
Uno igual a ti
One just like you
Mira hacia allí
Look over there
Y dime si puedes
And tell me if you can
No sé si eres tú
I don't know if it's you
Mira hacia aquí
Look over here
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
No tienes que hablarme
You don't have to talk to me
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Me acercaré
I will approach you
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Mucho más a ti
And come much nearer to you
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Vuélvete así
Get back in that pose
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Que quiero explorarte
Because I want to explore you
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Con lógica ...
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Yo quiero explorarte
I want to explore you
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Te pareces a él
You resemble him
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
Dímelo ahora
Now, tell me
(No sé si eres tú)
(I don't know if it's you)
No sé si eres tú
I don't know if it's you