Translation of the song Omni Die artist Mina
Omni Die
All Day Long
Omni die dic Mariae
All day long tell Mary's
Mea laudes anima
praise, my soul,
Eius festa eius gesta
her celebrations, her deeds
Cole splendidissima
venerate, the most splendid ones
Pulchra tota sine nota
Fully beautiful one without sign
cuiuscumque maculae
of any flaw whatsoever,
Fac me mundum et iucundum
make me pure and pleasant
Te laudare sedule
to praise thee persistently
Ut sim castus et modestus
so that I may be guiltless and moderate,
dulcis, blandus sobrius
sweet, flattering, sober,
Pius, rectus, circumspectus
devout, righteous, prudent,
simultatis nescius
not knowing enmity,
Eruditus et munitus
instructed and protected
divinis eloquiis
by divine declarations
Timoratus et ornatus
god-revering and adorned
sacris exercitiis
by sacred exercises1
Virgo sancta cerne quanta
Holy virgin, perceive how great
Perferamus iugiter
trials we endure
tentamenta et sustenta nos,
continually and support us
ut stemus fortiter
so that we may stand strong
Esto tutrix et adiutrix
Be guardian and helper
christiani populi
of the christian people
Pacem praesta, ne molesta
Preserve peace, so that troublesome
nos perturbent saecula
ages won't disturb us