Translation of the song Canción quechua artist Gabriela Mistral


Canción quechua

English translation

Quechua* song

Donde fue Tihuantisuyo,

In the area where Tihuantisuyo 1 was,

nacían los indios.

the American Indians were born.

Llegábamos a la puna

We reached a plateau in the Peruvian Andes

con danzas, con himnos.

with dances, with hymns.

Jugaban coyas, ardían

They were dancing the Inca women and burning

dos mil fuegos vivos.

live fires for two thousand years.

Tocaban flautas de oro

They were playing the golden flutes

y amautas benditos.

and blessing the Inca blood.

Bajaste ciego de soles,

You came down blind from the suns,

volando dormido,

falling asleep, and when you woke up

para hallar viudos los aires

you found the Indian and the turtledoves

de llanto y de indio.

crying in the wind.

Y donde eran maizales

And where used to be cornfields

ver subir el trigo

now you see the wheat rising

y en lugar de las vicuñas

and instead of vicunas 2

topar los novillos.

you are bumping into cowboys and cattle.

Regresa a tu Pachacamac,

Return to your Pachacamac, 3


You come in vain,

indio loco, Indio niño,

crazy Indian, you Indian boy,

pájaro perdido.

the lost bird.

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