Translation of the song 悲しみは空のかなたに artist Mina
Leave Sadness to the Distant Sky
At night when the road in my memory got damped with drops of dew
The one that I once loved left me behind
With a cruel farewell and faded into the street
Since then, I’ve done nothing but weep all on my own
月の光よ お願い
Moonlight, if you please
Do not let it shine on this pain
冷たい風よ お願い
Cold wind, if you please
この悲しみを飛ばしておくれ 世界の果てまで
Blow this sadness away to the end of the world
そして私を月の世界へ 運んでおくれ
And take me along to the world of the moon
冷たい雨よ お願い
Cold rain, if you please
この悲しみを流しておくれ 七つの海まで
Wash this sadness away to the Seven Seas
そして私を星の世界へ 運んでおくれ
And take me along to the world of the stars