Translation of the song Miedo artist Gabriela Mistral
Yo no quiero que a mi niña
I don't want my little girl
golondrina me la vuelvan;
to be turned into a swallow by them;
se hunde volando en el Cielo
She sinks in the sky flying
y no baja hasta mi estera;
and doesn't descend to my mat;
en el alero hace el nido
In the eaves she makes the nest
y mis manos no la peinan.
and my hands don't comb her hair.
Yo no quiero que a mi niña
I don't want my little girl
golondrina me la vuelvan.
to be turned into a swallow by them.
Yo no quiero que a mi niña
I don't want my little girl
la vayan a hacer princesa.
to be turned into a princess by them;
Con zapatitos de oro
With little shoes made of gold,
¿cómo juega en las praderas?
how could she play in the meadow?
Y cuando llegue la noche
And when the night comes
a mi lado no se acuesta...
She sleeps by my side anymore
Yo no quiero que a mi niña
I don't want my little girl
la vayan a hacer princesa.
to be turned into a princess by them.
Y menos quiero que un día
And even less, I don't want my little girl
me la vayan a hacer reina.
to be turned into a queen by them;
La subirían al trono
they would ascend her the throne,
a donde mis pies no llegan.
where my feet couldn't reach her anymore
Cuando viniese la noche
And when the night comes
yo no podría mecerla...
I couldn't rock her no more
¡Yo no quiero que a mi niña
I don't want my little girl
me la vayan a hacer reina!
to be turned into a queen by them!