Translation of the song Veсeras je naša fešta artist Tomislav Ivčić
Veсeras je naša fešta
Tonight is our party
Svako misto svoju feštu ima,
Every village has its own party
Svako misto ima svoj dan,
Every village has its own day
Jer fešta je draga nam svima,
Because a good party we all love
Jer se piva po cili dan.
Because there is singing all day long
A mi volimo pismu, ribu kod staroga Duje,
And we love song, fish at old Duje's place
Večeras je naša fešta, nek se daleko čuje...
Tonight is our party and let it be heard in the distance
Večeras je naša fešta,
Tonight is our party
Večeras se vino pije,
Tonight we drink wine
Nek se igra, nek se piva,
let there be dance, let there be drinking
Tko ne piva Dalmatinac nije.
Because who doesn't drink is not a Dalmatian..