Translation of the song أحسن artist Ahlam
It is Better
أحسن مادام إنك زعلت
It is better that you became sad
أحسن وعمرك مارضيت
It is better because you have never been satisfied
أصلا أنا حدي وصلت
It is true ,I couldn't bear that
ياما من أسبابك بكيت
Many times I cried because of you
أتذكر إني فيك قلت
I remembered that I said to you
أحسن أحسن
It is better ,It is better
آه شيء بقوله واستحيت
Ah ,Something that I said shyly
أحسن أحسن
It is better ,It is better
واليوم لاوالله ماصبرت
Today ,I couldn't be patient
شايل ومخطىء ماحكيت
You are are mistaken ,I didn't tell
أول إلي شفتك خجلت
When I saw , I became ashamed
بعدين يلا وانعميت
After that I pretended to be blind
لاجيت أسولفلك هزلت
I came to see you
كل الحكي عنه انثنيت
Everything is over
هذي عواقب مافعلت
This is the result of what you did
أحسن أحسن
It is better .It is better
آآه ذوق ماتذوقت وشقيت
Experience what you did with me
أحسن أحسن
It is better ,It is better
قبلت ولا ماقبلت
I accepted ,,No I didn't accept
غيرك له إحساسي عطيت
I gave my feeling to another one
فاشل دليل إنك فشلت
This is the evidence of your failure
دورت مثلي مالقيت
You looked for someone like me but you didn't find
رجعت مكسور ونزلت
You came broken
من عقب ما عنك إغتنيت
From what you did ,I don't want you
غيرك خذى قلبي ومل
Someone else took my heart
أحسن أحسن
It is better,It is better
آآه خل تنفعك ياليت وليت
Nothing will help you
أحسن أحسن
It is better ,It is better
ماشيت لعبك ما احتملت
I didn't bear you play with me
حاولت لكن ماقويت
I tried but I coudn't