Translation of the song قول عني artist Ahlam

Arabic (other varieties)

قول عني

English translation

Say of me

بالله يا ولد الناس

By God, O' good man,

ابعد عن دروبي

Steer clear of my path

لا انت ولي علي

You are not my guardian

وثوبك ماهو بثوبي

And your dress is not my dress

الراس ما ينحني الا لمولاه

The head does not bow except for its Lord

خليك بغيظك موت

Remain spiteful and die by your spite

ما لك أمل صوبي

You have no hope of getting close to me

قول عني ما تقول

Say what you want to say of me

صوبي كم صعب الوصول

Oh how difficult it is to reach me

واللي ما يطول العنب

And he who can't reach the grapes

حامض ٍ عنه يقول

Says they're sour anyway

الهوى حب ٍ وكيف

Passion is about love and happiness,

ما يجي بخنجر وسيف

It cannot be urged with dagger or sword

قلتها بكل اعتزاز

I said it with all my pride,

مالك بقلبي قبول

You are not accepted in my heart

انت في وهم وخيال

You, within an illusion and fantasy

تبني قصر ٍ من رمال

Build a castle out of sand

تدري ليه هب الشمال

You know why the northern winds rise

ينجلي الغيم ويزول

So that the clouds would clear

في النهايه والختام

In the end and the finale

راح تعلن الانهزام

You will declare your defeat

الفعل غير الكلام

Acting is not the same as talking

صارع امواج السيول

Fight against the waves of the torrents

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