Translation of the song ومستغرب artist Ahlam



English translation

and you wonder

ومستغرب! طبيعي اللي حصل ما بينك وبيني…

and you wonder! what happened between you and me is normal

انا رغم الحنان اللي سكني ما قدرت الين

despite the kindness that inhibited me, I couldn't become softer

احن شلون وانتٓ اللي على القسوه مربيني…

how could I be soft when you got me used to cruelty?

عجزت اتغاضى عن كرهي لكل لحظاتنا الحلوين

I couldn't ignore my hatred for all our sweet moments

وعزة اصدق دموعي وطهري وبيض كفيني …

I swear by my most truthful tears, my purity and the whiteness of my palms

لا ارد الباب في وجهك واشيل عيوني الثنتين

I'm going to shut the door in your face and remove both of my eyes

ولا اشوفك ولا اسمعك و اغيرها عناويني..

so I don't see you or hear you, and I will change my addresses

حرام اكسّر اشموخي وهو مو جرح ولا اثنين

it's unfair for me to bring my highness down, it's not just one or two cuts

انا من طيب نياتي و هبتك اروع اسنيني…

because of my good intentions I gave you the best of my years

عطيتك فرصه و ضاعت وجت فرصه اسد الدين

I gave you a chance and you missed it. my chance has come to pay my dues

ابهدم برجك العالي و ارتبها موازيني..

I will break your high tower down, I will even out the weights

انا لي هامه ماتسمح اماشي اللعب عالحبلين

I have pride that doesn't make me allow the playing on both sides of the fence

انا اسست لك تاريخ كتبتك رحت تمحيني…

I wrote you into history and you tried to write me out

تطاول فيه لن اسمح ولو تبكيني دم سنين

I will not let you stain it, even if it made me cry blood for years

اموت بعزتي اشرف و لا اشواقي تحنيني…

dying with dignity is better than making my longing bend me down

اضيع وقتي لايمكن !مع انسان له وجهين

I won't waste my time with someone who's double faced

نفيتك لاخر حدود الجفا و عنك الله يغنيني..

I've thrown you to the farthest borders of disregard, I'm better off without you

عن اشباه الأحبه اللي اجادو لعبة الطيبين

without so-called lovers who've mastered the game of the good people

عسى الله ياخذك من دنيتي تحرم على عيني..

may god take you away from my world and become forbidden to my eyes

حشى ماني بمتحسف بدال امين الف امين

there's no way I'm regretting it. Amen to that, no, a thousand amen

وفيتك لين ما كفيت وذنبي تلقفه ايديني..

I was loyal to you to the full extent, now I'm paying for this sin

تواضُع مني اتكلم معٓ مثلك الين الحين

talking to someone like you now is out of humbleness

مقّفي عنك ياهذا ولا انتٓ انسان يعنيني…

I'm turning my back on you, and you're not a human that matters to me

رحمك الله ويغفرلك تراك فحسبة الميتين

god rest your soul and forgive you; you're considered one of the dead

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