1.Жал ми е, земьо. Жал ми е за тебе.
1. I feel pity, (my) homeland. I feel pity for you.
Що народ замина във тая чужбина?
So many folks left to foreigh countries (abroad)
Жал ми е, земьо, там пари печелят.
I feel pity, (my) homeland, to make money there.
Чужд живот живеят, за да оцелеят.
Living a foreign life, merely to survive.
Чужбина дава, чужбина взема.
The foreign countries give, the foreigh countries take back.
Каквото и да дава, чужбина дом не става.
Whatever they may give, a home to them they can't become
2.Жал ми е, земьо. Жал ми е за тебе.
2. I feel pity, (my) homeland. I feel pity for you.
Що народ замина във тая чужбина?
So many folks left to foreigh countries (abroad)
Жал ми е, земьо, за наш'та чужбина.
I feel pity, (my) homeland, for our foreign countries.
Чуеш ли как стене душа присадена?
Can you hear the moan of a grafted soul?
Чужбина дава, чужбина взема.
The foreign countries give, the foreigh countries take back.
Каквото и да дава, чужбина дом не става.
Whatever they may give, a home to them they can't become
2.Жал ми е, земьо. Жал ми е за тебе.
3. I feel pity, (my) homeland. I feel pity for you.
Що народ замина във тая чужбина?
So many folks left to foreigh countries (abroad)
Защо да ги пъдим, а после да ги съдим?
Why do we drive them out of home, and next we judge them?
Живот да обърнем, че да си ги върнем.
Let us change this life (for better), so that we can get them back
Чужбина дава, чужбина взема.
The foreign countries give, the foreigh countries take back.
Каквото и да дава, чужбина дом не става.
Whatever they may give, a home to them they can't become