Translation of the song قافل artist Nour Elzein
I'm locked
مكتوبتلك تبقى اليه
It is written for you to remain for me
ومقسومتلك تبقى حبيبي
And you shall remain my beloved
نصي الثاني وتوأم روحي
My second half and my spiritual twin
آني مريضك وأنت طبيعي
I'm your patient and you are my doctor
لاخر يوم بهاي الدنيا
Until the last day in this world
احتاجك ما اشبع منك
I need you I never get full of you
انت مفصل اليه حبيبي
You are detailed to me darling
طعم الدنيا لگيته بحضنك
I found the taste of this world in your bosom
قافل على حبك صدك قافل
I'm locked with your love .. really locked
اعشگنك عشگ جاهل
I adore you innocently
واريدك بس اليه
And I want you just for me
وحدك تبقى بالگلب وحدك
You alone remain in the heart alone
روحي وماحب بگدك
You are my soul and I don't love as much as I love you
واريدك بس اليه
And I want you just for me
الك وحشه الك وحشه
You are missed .. You are missed
افكر بيك للغبشه
I think of you until it becomes blurry
ياروحي شلون امل وانساك
My soul, how could I become bored and forget you
شايف جفن مل رمشه
I see an eyelid whose eyelash got bored
بالدم اكتب كلمة احبك
With blood, I write the word I love you
تبقى انت النسخه الاصليه
You always are the original version
البيني وبينك تدري شكبره
Do you know how big is the things between us?
اكبر من هل كره الارضيه
Bigger than this global earth
نعمه من الله احسك انت
I feel you are a bless from Allah
واشكر ربي على هل نعمه
And I thank my God for this blessing
كلمة احبك الك حصريه
The word I love you is for you exclusively
وحدك تستاهل هل كلمه
You only deserve this word
الاول بس انت تضل اول
The first, your the first
حبك صعبه يتبدل
Your love is hard to be exchanged
واريدك بس اليه
And I want you just for me
باسمك سجلت الگلب باسمك
By your name, by your name I registered my heart
انت الهوا الاشتمه
You are the air I smell
واريدك بس اليه
And I want you just for me
يضل حبي يضل حبي
My love stays .. My love stays
الك يالعايش بگلبي
For you, who is living in my heart
ينور عيوني من تروح
You are my eye sight, as you go
اضيع وما اندل دربي
I get lost and don't know where is my route
مكتوبتلك تبقى اليه
It is written for you to remain for me
ومقسومتلك تبقى حبيبي
And you shall remain my beloved
نصي الثاني وتوام روحي
My other half and my soul mate
اني مريضك وانت طبيبي
I'm your patient and you are my doctor