Translation of the song Holiday in acapulco artist Yumi Matsutōya
Holiday in acapulco
Holiday in Acapulco
How long did I sleep?
The flight announcer speaks a cheerful spanish
A nightscape of a million dollars
Hey, I'm going to Acapulco floating in the sea
白いヴェランダ 熱い風 hum hum
White verandas, hot wind, hum hum
石の噴水エル・パティオ hum hum
El patio with a stone fountain, hum hum
マリアッチのリズムを 夜通しきかせて
Let the mariachi rhythm sound all night long
月明かりで手紙書くのhum hum
I write a letter with the moonlight, hum hum
ちょっと思い出したように hum hum
As if I remember you a little, hum hum
While I forget you
ホリデイは アカプルコ
I have my holiday in Acapulco
The old couples of the tour
Holding hands in the beach, it's like a honeymoon
I wanted to go with you
いつかあんな風に でも もうだめね
Someday this way, but now not anymore
青いダリアの髪飾り hum hum
Blue dahlias decorating my hair, hum hum
云い寄って来る男たち hum hum
Men who come to court me, hum hum
どんなに誉めたって その手にゃ乗らない
Even if they compliment me, I don't take their hands
冷えたテキーラひと息に hum hum
I drink a cold tequila in one gulp, hum hum
夜のスコールかけ出せば hum hum
When the night squall starts to run, hum hum
The poolside is rainbow colored
憧れの アカプルコ
Admirable Acapulco
ドアのキイを回して パタンと閉めた
I turned the key and slammed the door
The luggage scattered around and I'm alone
観光馬車のお迎えに hum hum
A horse cart welcomes me for doing tourism, hum hum
ナイトクラブの舞踏会 hum hum
Balls in the night clubs, hum hum
マリアッチのリズムで 教会の鐘が鳴る
The church bells ring with mariachi rhythm
皮のサンダルソンブレロ hum hum
Leather sandals and sombreros, hum hum
安くされてもいらないわ hum hum
I don't need to have discounts, hum hum
I buy souvenirs aimlessly
ホリデイは アカプルコ
I have my holiday in Acapulco