Translation of the song Midnight Scarecrow artist Yumi Matsutōya
Midnight Scarecrow
Midnight scarecrow
今 孤独の中の君へ 失くしたくない君へ
Now, to you who are alone, to you who I don't want to miss
用もなく 電話かけよう
With nothing to do, I want to call you
もし うるさかったら言って 明日にしてと切って
If I were annoying, tell me, leave it for tomorrow and hang
でもね 気にしないから
But because I don't care
夜の硝子にもたれて 光るデジタル表示が
The shining display leaning in the night window,
減ってゆくの見ている ゼロになるまで
Is decreasing until reach to zero
君の知らない駅から 君の住む街を通る
From a station that you don't know, I go through the city where you live
バスが出るよ 最後の 言えない想いを乗せるように
A bus leaves to take you the last affection that I can't say
今 自分を探す君を 愛しはじめたことを
Now, to you who looks for yourself, for some reason
なぜか ふと感じてた 強く強く君を強く
I felt that I started to love you strongly
踊る案山子(かかし)みたいな 影とたわむれる
Like a dancing scarecrow, you play with your shadow
見慣れた帰り道 wow wow ひとりぼっち
On the way back home familiar to you, you're alone
人は何も持たずに生まれ 何も持たずに
People are born without taking anything
去ってゆくの それでも愛と出会うの
And they're passing, and yet they meet love
君の荒野を渡って 冬の雲を吹き流す
Crossing your desert, I blow the winter clouds
風になるよ しばらく 受話器をそのままあてていて
I'll become wind and soon I'll reach your receiver
今 孤独の中の君が 失くしたくない君が
Now, you who are alone, you who I don't want to miss
You're on the other side of my eyelids