Translation of the song ダンスのように抱き寄せたい artist Yumi Matsutōya
I want to embrace you like dancing
Listen to my heart
途切れそうな声を じっときいてるの
Are you still hearing my voice that seems broken?
Wherever you are
戻れる場所は ここにあるよと
The place where you can return is here
ああ 口にはしなくても きっとわかるから
Ah, though I don't say it, you'll surely understand
ダンスのように もう踊れない
I can't dance like in the dances
錆びたぜんまい 止まってゆくけれども
I'm a rusty spring that stops
やさしいうでを 離さない
But I don't keep apart your tender arms
ずっと踊るの このまま
I keep dancing like this
In the screen of the light rain
いくつもの笑顔 重なってぼやける
Many smiles pile up and get blurry
Are the days that won't return
見送ることしか できない列車よ
The train I could only see off
ああ 傘もささず探す 誰もいないホーム
I search without holding an umbrella in the desert platform
ダンスのように 抱き寄せたい
I want to embrace you like dancing
どんなに疲れ みじめに見えてもいい
I don't care if I look sad and tired
あなたとなら それでいい
If it's with you, I prefer it
ずっと踊るの このまま
I keep dancing like this
風の影が過ぎる 窓の中に浮かぶ
The shadow of the window passes and appears in the window
失くさないで 失くさないで 大切なもの
Don't get rid of something important
ダンスのように もう踊れない
I can't dance like in the dances
誰もがいつか 気づいてしまうけれども
Even if everybody notice someday
あなたとなら それでいい
If it's with you, I prefer it
I'm glad I met you
ダンスのように 抱き寄せたい
I want to embrace you like dancing
どんなに時が 移り変わっていっても
I don't care if time passes
やさしいうでを 離さない
I don't keep apart your tender arms
ずっと踊ろう あなたと
I want to keep dancing with you