Translation of the song شكاكة artist Bader Al Shuaibi



English translation

She is skeptical

أحبها موت وأعشقها

I love her to death and adore her,

ولا أقدر أفارقها

and I can't part on her.

وكلي ملكها وحقها

I and everything that I have belong to her.

وبعدها تغار

All of the that and she's still jealous.

بحبي شككت ياما

How much so and so she is skeptical about my love.

تحب تسوي دراما

She loves to make dramas,

وأنا أتغاضى وأتعامى

and I turn and blind my eyes.

وبقلبي نار

And my heart burns on fire.


She is skeptical.

دايم تحب تتذاكى

She always love to look like a smart.

حبنا سبب ارباكة

Our love is a cause of that confusion.

غيرتها صبح وليل

She is Jealousy on morning and night.

أحبها موت وأعشقها

I love her to death and adore her,

أكلمها .. وأفهمها .. وأعلمها .. ولا تفهمني وتغار

I speak to her ..I try to let her understand ..I try to teach her .. but she isn’t understand me and she return jealous.

ترد إتلح .. بأنها الصح .. ولا تسمع ولا تسمح بأي أعذار

She responds by saying that she is the right one ..she doesn't listen and doesn’t allow any excuses.

تبي تزعل تبي تجرح تبي تظلم وتتبلى

She wants to be upset, she wants to be hurt, she wants to pretend that I always wronged her.

وجهها الثاني يطلع من تغار

Her second face appears when she is jealousy.

غيورة وفيني متعلقة

She is jealous and very attached to me.

وتكره سيرة الفرقة

and she hates the biography of separation.

ومثل حبها محال ألقى

And it's impossible to find love like her love.

ومو موجود

It’s not exist.

ومع إنها تشك وتتوهم

Even though she is skeptical and delusional.

وصعب تقبل وتتفهم

And she is difficult to accepted and understood.

أضل عاشق لها ومغرم

I remain in adore her and fall in love with her.

بدون حدود

With no limits.


She is skeptical.

دايم تحب تتذاكى

She always love to look like a smart.

حبنا سبب ارباكة

Our love is a cause of that confusion.

غيرتها صبح وليل

She is Jealousy on morning and night.

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