Translation of the song Ai, Yoko artist Manel


Ai, Yoko

English translation

Hey, Yoko

No haurà estat senzill venir fins aquí,

It won't have been easy to come here,

és espantós com la gent parla!

it's horrible, the way people talk!

tot i que de lluny sempre m’has semblat

although from far away you've always seemed to me

prou forta per no amargar-te.

strong enough to not hide away.

Jo et reconec que em van convèncer amb facilitat.

I admit that they easily convinced me

no ho vaig pensar, però ara confio que em comprendràs.

I didn't think, but now I trust that I understand

I és que des de mon pare al que deien de tu a la televisió,

And it's from my father and from what they said about you on the television,

entre la teva veure tan prima i el teu tambor.

between your voice so polite, and your drum

des de la teva cara estranya, com d’aparició,

from your strange face, like an apparition,

fins als barrets tan arriscats i Def Con Dos...

to your bold hats and Def Con Dos...1

Però avui he entès que us estimàveu

But today I've understood that you loved each other

com molts no haurem estimat mai.

In a way that many have never loved

però avui he entès que us estimàveu...

But today I've understood that you loved each other

Per molt que ho intenti hi ha coses que no puc canviar,

As much as I try, there are things that I can't change

per molt que m’hi esforci he anat predicant tantes barbaritats...

As much as I force myself, I've preached such barbarities

I és que si en general tots els canvis ja em posen tan nerviós,

And yes, in general all of the changes make me very nervous already

entre cançons plenes de xiscles i el teu maleït tambor,

between songs full of screams and your cursed drum,

i entre la teva cara rara, que de nen em feia por,

and between your strange face, which as a child frightened me,

era tan fàcil que et donessin la culpa de tot...

it was so easy to blame you for everything

Però avui he entès que us estimàveu

But today I've understood that you loved each other

com molts no haurem estimat mai.

In a way that many have never loved

però avui he entès que us estimàveu...

But today I've understood that you loved each other

I t’ho explico així, covard, aprofitant que ell no ens sent

And I explain it to you like this, a coward, taking advantage that he can't hear us

que davant d’aquell gran home, ho reconec ara mateix,

that before that great man I recognise right now,

ja veuríem qui seria el guapo que et cantés!

we'd see who would be the handsome man who would sing to you!

ja veuríem qui seria el guapo que et cantés!

we'd see who would be the handsome man who would sing to you!

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