Translation of the song Avança, vianant! artist Manel
Avança, vianant!
Move, pedestrian!
Quan caigui sobre teu la còlera dels déus i no quedi res a dir,
When the anger of the gods falls on you and there's nothing left to say
quan ja no importi aquesta tarda, si t'ho has passat bé, o si has patit.
when the afternoon no longer matters, if you've had a good one, or if you've suffered.
Quan cada error al món, quan cada pas en fals, contingui més veritat
When every error in the world, when every misstep, holds more truth
que el feix depriment de fulls intactes del teu currículum immaculat,
than the depressing bundle of pristine pages of your immaculate résumé,
veuràs el doble fons dels envans, rius subterranis daurats, mars amb tresors amagats
you'll see the double bottom of the partition walls, golden underground rivers, seas with hidden treasures.
Va, aquest joc t'agradarà, juguem a classificar els que ho fan bé i aquells que no,
Come on, you'll like this game, let's play at sorting those who do good from those who don't
jutgem cruelment els que s'equivoquen, sentim-nos petits per aquells que ho fan millor.
let's cruelly judge those who get it wrong, let's be made to feel small by those who do it better.
I després repassarem els grans greuges que has sofert, els mals sense precedents,
And afterwards let's remember the great injuries you've suffered, the unprecedented misfortunes,
però vés pensant què és el que arrisques, què poses en joc, tu, per estar content.
whilst thinking about what you risk, what you put at stake, you, to be happy.
Que cap, cap cervell genial reparteix els dies bons i els dolents, que l'univers no ens deu res!
That no, no great mind distinguishes between good days and bad days, that the universe doesn't owe us anything!
Tots ens movem! No pots quedar-te encallat eternament!
We're all moving! You can't stay stuck forever!
Avança, vianant, per les llambordes i l'asfalt!
Move, pedestrian, over the cobbles and the asphalt!
Tots ens movem! No aconseguiràs quedar-te quiet!
We're all moving! You can't stay quiet!
Pobre vianant, aquesta lluita la perdràs.
Poor pedestrian, you'll lose this battle.
Però tu sabràs el que fas, jo vindria a practicar el noble art d'anar endavant.
But you know what you're doing, I would come to practice the noble art of throwing forward.
Si et sents intrús no parlis gaire i ja veuràs, ningú adverteix l'engany.
If you feel like the odd one out, don't speak much and you'll see, nobody will warn you about deceit.
No et demanen un carnet, no hi ha escrit cap reglament, s'equivoca el més expert,
They won't order you an ID card, no rules will be written, the experts will be wrong
donem conversa, som amables, i no se sap si malgrat l'esforç anem
Give us a conversation, we're friendly, and we don't know if despite our efforts, we're going
cap al plaer o al dolor, a la llum o a la foscor, a un gran banquet o a la més cruel inanició.
towards pleasure or pain, to the light or to the darkness, to a great feast or to the cruellest starvation.
Tots ens movem! No pots quedar-te encallat eternament!
We're all moving! You can't stay stuck forever!
Avança, vianant, per les llambordes i l'asfalt!
Move, pedestrian, over the cobbles and the asphalt!
Tots ens movem! No aconseguiràs quedar-te quiet!
We're all moving! You can't stay quiet!
Pobre vianant, aquesta lluita la perdràs.
Poor pedestrian, you'll lose this battle.
Que hi hagi pau, que hi hagi pau, que hi hagi pau damunt la Terra.
May there be peace, may there be peace, may there be peace on Earth.
Creu en el món, creu en el món, creu en la gent que no coneixes.
Believe in the world, believe in the world, believe in the people whom you don't know.