Translation of the song Banda de rock artist Manel


Banda de rock

English translation

Rock Band

Què se n'ha fet d'aquella banda de rock, saps quina dic?

Where did they end up, that rock band? You know which one I mean?

els han posat aquest matí...

They were on air this morning...

Creus que els faria gràcia saber

Do you think they’d be glad to know

que amb tant de temps, des de tant lluny,

that after such a long time, from so far away

pensem en ells?

we think about them?

Què va passar-li a aquella banda de rock?

What happened to that rock band?

potser una nit van fer un concert final molt trist...

Maybe one night they gave a final, very sad concert...

o van mirar-se després d'un assaig lent i infernal

Or maybe they looked at one another after a sluggish, infernal rehearsal

i ho van saber, i ho van notar...

and they knew it, and they noticed it...

Creus que hi ha dies que els ballen pel cap

Do you think that there are days when in their heads there play

melodies rabioses per ser una cançó

melodies eager to be put into a song

i si ets a prop els sents xiular?

and if you’re close enough, you can hear them whistle?

i gairebé res ha canviat, només que ara ja no les fan.

And almost nothing has changed except that now they don’t make them.

Es trucarà aquella banda de rock?

Will they call one another, those of the rock band?

seran amics? s'agradaran en els seus discs?

Will they be friends? Will they like their albums?

creus que a vegades es treuen els acords d'aquells grans hits

Do you think that sometimes they take out chords from those big hits

i els van cantant pel passadís?

and keep singing them in corridors?

Sospitarà aquella banda de rock

Would this rock band have an idea

la força amb que nota a nota els cantàvem a crits?

of how strongly we shouted out their songs, note for note?

sabran que, almenys per tu i per mi, durant un temps

Would they know that, at least for you and for me, for some time

van fer que tot fos una mica mes divertit?

they were making everything look a bit more cheerful?

Què se n'ha fet d'aquella banda de rock?

How did they end up, that rock band?

què ha transcendit?

Did they go any further?

els han posat aquest matí...

They were on air this morning...

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