Translation of the song BBVA artist Manel
Som a la carretera de Manresa a Berga
We find ourselves on the highway between Manresa and Berga1
en un cotxe resplendent que corre massa.
In an impressive car, breaking the speed limit
Han trobat a la guantera algun CD acceptable;
They've found an alright CD in the glove compartment
és dimecres, de matinada, i els dos fugitius canten.
It's Wednesday, in the early hours, and the two fugitives are singing.
Creuen per Molló i en una clariana
They pass through Molló2, and in a clearing
ell l’abraça com un nen i s’adorm a l’acte.
He holds her like a child, and sleeps deeply.
El sol va encenent el bosc i ella lluita amb les imatges:
As the sun wakes up the forest, she struggles with the memory:
un caixer fent-se el valent, un revòlver disparant-se.
a cashier being the hero, a revolver being fired.
Compren la moto a un pagès pel preu de quatre
They buy a motorbike from a farmer for four times what it's worth
i acceleren entre vinyes solitàries.
And they accelerate between lonely vineyards.
Al semàfor d’Estagel els saluden uns gendarmes,
At the lights in Estagel3 a few gendarmes wave at them
però a la ràdio no diuen res, no s’està seguint cap rastre.
But they're not saying anything on the radio, they're not on anyone's trail
Ell s’afaita el cap, ella es posa morena.
He shaves his head, she dyes her hair brown
Els dies passen lents, a la tarda passegen.
The days go by slowly, they walk in the afternoon
Ell juga a frontó amb un empresari en hores baixes,
He plays pelota with a businessman in the evenings
ella es tanca al bungalou i a la nit fingeix orgasmes.
She locks herself up in the bungalow and at night fakes orgasms.
Que bo és sortir al carrer, que et toqui l’aire!
How good it is to go out to the street, breathe in the fresh air!
Són dos enamorats tan adorables!
They're two adorable lovebirds!
Ell parla del futur i es projecta sense xarxa
He talks about the future and plans aimlessly -
i el paradís comença en una pizzeria de Lausana.
the beginning of paradise in a pizzeria in Lausanne.
I quin riure els noms dels passaports, ell els diu en veu alta.
And how funny are the names in their passports! He says them in a high pitched voice
Potser semblarà més francès, diu, traient-se la barba!
Maybe he'd seem more French, he says, if he shaved off his beard!
Ella respon com pot i plora rere la porta tancada:
She responds as best she can and cries from behind the closed door:
“Així no podré, amor meu, no a costa dels altres”.
I can't do this, my love, not at the expense of others.
I, en fi, ell ha passat el trajecte a coberta,
And, finally, he survived the journey in hiding,
ja veu el blau marí de la terra promesa,
He finally sees the navy blue of the promised land
però per ella no patiu, que al calabós hi ha trobat calma:
But he's not worried about her, for she has found her peace in the jail
s’ha fet a la foscor i ha posat nom a les rates.
She's set herself down in the darkness and has given names to the rats
I ha trobat un nom bonic per a cada rata.
And she's found a pretty name for each one.